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Difference between Fetch_assoc, Fetch_array, Fetch_row - MySQL
What is the difference between Fetch_assoc, Fetch_array and Fetch_row in MySQL. When is it effective to use each of them ?
Mysqli fetch_assoc results - show all rows in array, not 1 row - PHP
How can I show all rows using PHP mysqli fetch_assoc ? I am getting only one row in associative array, but there should be more results.
Check if one of multiple values is included - PHP in_array()
How can I check if one or more of the multiple values are included in array() in PHP ?
Array_push - how to add specific key and value
How can I add specific key and value into array using array_push() in PHP ?
JSON_DECODE - get values from multidimensional array stdClass
How can I get the specific value from multidimensional array with stdClass object using json_decode ? For example, when I use $array['users'][16] in regular array,...
How to delete specific value from multidimensional array in PHP
Is it possible to remove the specific value from multidimensional array in PHP ? If yes, what should I do to delete it ?
Check the value - in_array() for multidimensional array in PHP
How can I check if the value is included in multidimensional array in PHP ? I need an in_array() function equivalent for multidimensional array.
Get values from multidimensional array using array_keys() - PHP
How can I get the values from multidimensional array, like it is possible with using array_keys() for standard array ?
Implode() - specific values from multidimensional array in PHP
How should I use implode() function in PHP to get the specific data from multidimensional array ?
Merge parts of multidimensional array into new array - PHP
I need to merge some parts of multidimensional array into new array. Could you please provide a working example how should I do it ?
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