Posts tagged with edge:

How to exit full screen mode in Chrome / Edge without F11 or ESC ?How can I get out of full screen mode in Chrome or Edge web browser without using F11 or ESC ? When I try to use F11 or ESC to exit full screen, it doesn't work.

Microsoft Edge - replacement of discontinued Microsoft Explorer ?Is the Microsoft Edge browser the replacement of discontinued Microsoft Explorer ? Are there a differences between these web browsers ?

Save opened tabs for later in Edge - continue where I left offHow can I set the automatic saving of opened tabs for later in Microsoft Edge browser ? When I open Edge, I would like to continue where I left off.

Where can I find downloaded files in Microsoft Edge ?In what folder I can find my files, that were downloaded via Microsoft Edge browser ?

Is better browser Internet explorer or Microsoft Edge ?Which web browser is better, Internet explorer or Microsoft Edge ? What are the differences between them ?

Zoom in / zoom out using keyboard and mouse in Chrome and EdgeHello, How can I zoom in or zoom out the page in Chrome and Edge web browser by using keyboard and mouse ? Sometimes I accidentally zoom the page when using keyboard and...

Can I use other web browsers than Egde in Windows 10 S ?Is it possible to use different web browsers than Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 S operating system ? Does the Chrome, Firefox or Opera work on Windows 10 S ?

How to rotate a video in Chrome or EDGE web browser ?How can I rotate a video by 90 or 180 degrees in Chrome and EDGE web browser ?
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