Keyup, Change, Blur - multiple jQuery events for same functionI need to call the function when user is typing into input field, but also when he changed the value without typing it, for example with copy and paste. How should I modify...
Events onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onKeyDown, onChange - differenceWhat is the difference between Javascript events onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onKeyDown and onChange ? Can you please give an example, what each of them do and when it should be used...
Set cookies to expire in hours, minutes, seconds - JavascriptI am using a javascript function, that allows to set after how many days cookies should expire: var date=new Date(); var expirydays=30;...
onLoad Focus input field not working in Apple Safari mobileI use javascript function below to focus input field or textarea when the web page is loaded. It works well in case of standard Android mobile web browsers. But the solution...
Meaning of Default, Preset, Fallback, Callback, Rollback value - differenceWhat is the meaning of Default value, Preset value, Fallback value, Callback value and Rollback value in software development ?
Javascript function in link href="" - prevent from redirectingI have a javascript function in HTML link HREF="" attribute. When I click on the link, it will rediect me on another page. What should I do to avoid the redirecting.
When Enter, Backspace, Spacebar keys are pressed - JavascriptWhen the Enter, Backspace or Spacebar key is pressed, I want to call the Javascript function. Can you please give me suggestion how to make it work with onKeyPress event ?
onSubmit return false not working - submit form by JavascriptI need to submit the form by using Javascript, but it seems the functions in onSubmit event don't work. When I click on Send link, the form is submitted, but I will not...
jQuery Ajax not working - meaning of response status code 0I would like to use a jQuery Ajax function, but for some reason it is not working. I am getting response status code 0. Do you have any ideas why there is status code 0 ?
Identify and get element by ID, class or name - jQuery identifiersWould you please provide an examples how to identify elements by their ID, class or name, by using jQuery function ?