Posts tagged with lamp:

LED lamp wattage equivalents to classic light bulb - comparisonHow many watts should LED lamp have to provide the same brightness as 60W, 75W, 100W, 120W or 150W classic light bulb ? What are the wattage equivalents ?

Bulb comparison - How efficient are the most energy saving bulbs ?What light bulb types are the most energy efficient ? Is there a big difference between classic bulb and energy saving bulbs ?

Compact fluorescent lamp wattage equivalents to classic bulbHow many watts should compact fluorescent lamp have to provide the same brightness as 60W, 100W or 150W classic light bulb ? What compact fluorescent lamps wattage is...

How much energy does LED save ? LED vs. Incandescent bulb equivalentHow much energy efficient is LED light in comparison to Incandescent bulb or CFL ? How much energy does it save ? What LED bulbs are equivalent to Incandescent bulbs, if you...
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