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Unable to create a comment on Reddit. Why I can't post a comment?
Hi, When I am trying to send a reply on Reddit, ther is an error: Unable to create a comment What am I doing wrong ?
0 answers asked 12 days ago
Mobile phones
Lower the quality of recorded videos on phone to reduce file size
Can I decrease the quality of recorded videos on phone to reduce the file size ? Is it possible to downgrade the quality of already recorded videos ?
0 answers asked 12 days ago
United Kingdom
Where to pay the entry fee to UK ? How to pay ?
Where should I pay the entry fee to UK ? When entering the country ? At the airport ? Before I travel ? Is there anything else required or I just provide my ID, then pay the fee and everything is ...
0 answers asked 12 days ago
Mobile phones
Apple iPhone AI features list. Is Apple Intelligence free ?
What features does Apple AI offer on iPhones ? Is Apple Intelligence free to use ?
0 answers asked 1 month ago
Mobile phones
1 minute / 1 hour 4K phone video. The file size for 30 / 60 FPS ?
How big will be the file size if I record a video with Android phone or iPhone for 1 minute or 1 hour, using UHD 4K resolution and 30 or 60 FPS ?
1 answer answered 16 days ago
Mobile phones
Do Samsung phones work with other headphones than Galaxy Buds ?
Do Samsung phones work with other wireless headphones than Galaxy Buds ? Is Samsung phone going to work with Sony wireless headset ?
1 answer answered 16 days ago
FED lowering interest rates. Negative impact on Bitcoin / Crypto ?
Why does the lowering of interest rates by FED negatively impact Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies' price ?
1 answer answered 12 days ago
Oasis tour extra dates / extra tickets for Live 2025
Are there going to be added some extra dates or extra tickets for Oasis Live '25 tour ? I prefer to go to London or Manchester gig.
1 answer answered 1 month ago
Instagram error on upload: VideoSourceBitrateCheckException
When I am trying to upload videos from my new phone to Instagram, there is the following error: Your post could not be shared. Please try again. Server processing error: ...
1 answer answered 1 month ago
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