Convert RGB colors from Windows Paint to HTML Hex code format

How to convert RGB color from Windows Paint to standard HTML code format. I need to use the color on my website. For example, how can convert Red: 245, Green: 10, Blue: 10 to #F50A0A ?
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08 Nov 2019 at 07:49 PM

In CCS you can use color: #F50A0A; or color: rgb(245,10,10); function. The color effect is the same in both cases. If you need to convert color in RGB format to CSS hex format, you have to convert each RGB color value into hex code. The HEX format inlcudes the information about Red, Green and Blue color.

For example:
245 in hex is F5
10 in hex is 0A

HEX color code is #F50A0A.

There is also an option to use online color codes converters.
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10 Nov 2019 at 05:42 PM
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