How much protein, carbs, sugar, fat is enough for daily intake?

What is a recommended amount of protein, carbs, sugar and fat for a day?

How much protein, carbs, sugar and fat is enough for daily intake?
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The optimal daily intake of protein, carbs and fat depends on:
- Whether you are a teenager or adult
- Whether you are a male or female
- What is your weight
- What physical activity you do

How much protein to eat per day
- Between 0.8 and 2 grams per kg of body weight.
- Men generally need more protein.
- You need more protein if your physical activity is higher. For example, if you have active job, you are an athlete or you work out.
- To gain muscle you need more protein.

How much carbs to eat per day
- Between 45% and 65% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates.
- The higher physical activity requires the higher intake of carbs.

How much fat to eat per day
- Between 20% and 35% of your daily calories should come from fat.

How much sugar to eat per day
- It is not recommended to eat more than 25-30 grams of free sugar per day.

Excessive intake of protein, carbs, fat or sugar is not good, even if you work out.
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