How to add email recipients to Hidden copy in Outlook ?

I need to send an email to hidden recipients in Outlook. I click on New email to create a message, but I see only the fields for entering email addresses of main recipients and copy recipients. How can I add recipients for the hidden copy of email ?
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12 Oct 2019 at 07:51 PM

Add hidden recipients to an email in Outlook is quite simple. There are multiple ways available how to show the field for BCC recipients.

The first way

Open the New Email window:

outlook send email to recipients

Click on Options in top menu:

outlook send email to hidden recipients

Then click on Bcc in Show Fields section to display the field:

outlook send email to hidden recipients in blind carbon copy bcc

The second way

Open the New Email window:

outlook send email to recipients

Click on Cc button to show the search window:

outlook send email to hidden recipients bcc search contacts

Add email main recipients, CC recipients, BCC recipients and click OK:

outlook send email search contacts

Chosen recipients have to be added into each field:

outlook send email to hidden recipients blind carbon copy bcc
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31 Dec 2019 at 02:09 PM
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