How to buy cheapest flight tickets ? When to book a flight ?


What is the best time to buy the cheapest flight tickets ? When should I book a flight ticket to get a cheap price ?
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The price of flight ticket usually depends on:
  • How many seats are already booked
  • How many days left to the flight

In other words:
  • If there are many seats booked a relatively long time before the departure, then price tends to be higher.
  • If there are not many bookings, then price can be lower.

Cheap flight tickets can be generally booked:
  • From 3-4 months to 3-4 weeks before the departure.
  • For Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
  • Night flights are often cheaper (if there is also a day flight available).
  • Sometimes you can get a really good price a few weeks before the departure. This can happen when many seats are not booked (if there are not too many available free seats, the price is usually quite high during this period).

But the pricing may also depends on the destination. Some destinations are popular during the weekend, so there are many bookings on Friday and Sunday.
It can be difficult to predict prices for a flights close to Public holidays, Christmas, Easter or some events. In case of these flights, it may be complicated to say what prices are low or high.

But sometimes, if the price is too high for a long time before the departure, it can decrease later during a short period of time. It depends on the circulmstances.
When the price of flight ticket is high a long time before departure, it may get cheaper later, at least for a short period of time.

But waiting for a cheaper price is risky. In general, flight tickets are quite expensive a few days before departure.
In case of some aerolines, you can get cheaper flight tickets when you buy a return ticket instead of buying two separate one-way tickets.
If you are looking for a cheap flight, you have to check the prices multiple times a day. The price may change rapidly during a day.
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