Junior, Medior, Senior, Expert experience in years - difference

What is the difference between Junior, Medior, Senior and Expert job position ? How many years of experience are required for Junior, Medior, Senior and Expert position ?
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20 Jun 2022 at 03:23 PM
The difference between Junior, Medior, Senior and Expert job position is in experience. The level of experience can be evaluated in years, but this method is quick and not so accurate. For example, there are two accountants with 3 years of experience. The first one is focusing only on 1-2 accounts, but the second one is focusing on 4-5 accounts. Because of that, they don't have the same experience.

Experience evaluation in years:

  • Junior position - no experience, or less than 2 years of experience
  • Medior position - between 2 years and 5 years of experience
  • Senior position - more than 5 years of experience

The level of experience depend also on industry and job position, so it may vary.
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17 Sep 2022 at 11:14 AM
In software development, the evaluation of work experience for Junior, Medior and Senior job positions can be:

  • Junior - no experience, or less than 1 year of experience
  • Medior - between 1 year and 3 years of experience
  • Senior - more than 4 years of experience

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23 Dec 2022 at 04:56 PM
You should not evaluate the level of job candidate's experience only base on years of experience.

Some candidates may have more years of experience, but they could have been doing mostly a narrow range of duties within their job position. So you should rely only on years of experience.

Probably the best way how to evaluate candidate's experience is to ask some relevant questions to get a better image about his / her knowledge.

You can also prepare some practical test to evaluate candidate's skills.
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23 Jan 2024 at 10:26 AM
If you are looking for a software developer, you can test the programming skills by a practical test, that is called the coding test or coding challenge.
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27 Feb 2024 at 07:42 PM
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