Light or Heavy, Sweet or Sour crude oil - price difference

What is the difference between Light and Heavy, Sweet and Sour crude oil ? Which of these crude oils are more valuable ?
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22 Feb 2020 at 06:45 PM
In general, the main differences between Light and Heavy, Sweet and Sour crude oils are:

  • Light crude oil has a lower density and flows freely at room temperature. It has higher price than heavy crude oil, because it produces a higher percentage of gasoline or diesel fuel.
  • Heavy crude oil has a higher density than light crude oil.

  • Sweet crude oil contains lower level of sulfur, therefore it is easy to refine, more desirable and valuable than sour crude.
  • Sour crude oil contains higher level of sulfur, what makes it more expensive to refine.

The most valuable type of crude oil is Light sweet crude oil.
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03 Apr 2020 at 01:42 PM
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