Set rule to forward all Emails to another address in Outlook

How to set the rule in MS Outlook to forward all incoming emails to another email account ?
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12 Jan 2020 at 03:02 PM

To create a rule in Outlook to forward received emails to another email address, you have to first click on File:

outlook create rule to forward received emails

Then choose Manage Rules & Alerts:

outlook forward emails manage rules and alerts

Click on New Rule:

outlook create rule to forward received emails to another email address

Choose option Apply rule on messages I receive and click on Next:

outlook forward received emails to another email account set rule

Don't select any option in the first condition:

outlook forward emails from all recipients to another email address conditions

Confirm that rule should be applied to all received emails:

outlook confirm email forwarding

Select option Forward it to people or public group and click on link People or public group at the bottom:

outlook forward all received emails to people or public groups

Add email addresses of recipients and click on OK:

outlook add email address of forward recipients

Confirm this condition by clicking on Next:

outlook create rule to forward received emails to another email address

Then don't select any rule exceptions and click on Next:

outlook set exceptions in forward rule

Check and confirm the rule by clicking on Finish:

outlook set rule to forward emails to another email account

You should see the created rule:

outlook create rules to forward received emails to another email account

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18 Jan 2020 at 04:08 PM
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