What is the manday ? How to calculate manday per hectare ?
Two men did a GPS survey and complete the job in 1hr 50min. The job was a 2.8 ha of grassland area to plant trees.
Please help me calculate manday and manday per hectare.
1. What is the manday ?
2. What is the manday per hectare ?
Manday is a unit of measurement, that refers to the amount of work done by one person in one day.
Generally, one manday is understood as an 8 hour period of work, but the amount of time may vary.
The abbreviation of Manday is MD.
Manday per hectare can be explained as the amount of work done per 1 hectare.
Calculation could be:
1 MD = 8 Hours
1 hour 50 minutes worked by 2 persons = 3 hours 40 minutes worked in total = 3.66 Hours
3.66 hours = 0.4575 MD ( 3.66 / 8 )
Mandays per hectare = Mandays worked / Area in hectares
Mandays per hectare = 0.4575 / 2.8 = 0.16339 MD/Ha