Why is the difference between File size and File size on disk ?

What is the difference between file size and file size on disk in Windows ? Why there are two types of file size ? Which one is relevant ?
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18 Mar 2022 at 06:32 PM

The difference between file size and file size on disk is:

File size - is the actual size of the file.

File size on disk - is the size that file occupies on disk. The file size on disk is usually bigger, because the disk is divided into a units (clusters) where data are stored. Depending on device, the size of a cluster may vary. When you copy the file onto your disk, it is usually stored in a multiple clusters. This increases the amount of used space on the disk.
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28 Mar 2022 at 11:57 AM
File size on disk is usually greater, because there is some "extra space" used to store the file on disk. So the file occupies a bit more space on disk, than it really has.
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30 May 2022 at 04:37 PM
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