Implode() - specific values from multidimensional array in PHP

How should I use implode() function in PHP to get the specific data from multidimensional array ?
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10 Sep 2020 at 04:48 PM

There are multiple methods how to get the values from multidimensional array. Some methods are usable mostly for the specific types of array. You have to check the following examples:

Get values from one array by using the specific identifiers:

$multidimensional_array = array('a' => array('one' => array(10,20,30), 'two' => '40' ), 'b' => array('one' => array(100,200,300), 'two' => '400') );

echo implode(",", $multidimensional_array['a']['one']);

Get values from more arrays by using the identifier in array_column() function:

$multidimensional_array = array('a' => array('one' => array(10,20,30), 'two' => '40' ), 'b' => array('one' => array(100,200,300), 'two' => '400') );

echo implode(",", array_column($multidimensional_array, 'two'));

Get all values from multimensional array, which can be used for example in combination with array_column results or other situation, when input is a multidimensional array:

$multidimensional_array = array('a' => array('one' => array(10,20,30), 'two' => '40' ), 'b' => array('one' => array(100,200,300), 'two' => '400') );

function get_values_in_multidimensional_array($multidimensional_array) {

global $values;

foreach ($multidimensional_array as $array_value) {
if ( is_array($array_value) ) {
else {
$values[] = $array_value;

return $values;

echo "All values in multidimensional array: " . implode(",", get_values_in_multidimensional_array($multidimensional_array));

This solution is based on the function that is calling itself. It will get the array values in multidimensional array, not the array keys.
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14 Feb 2021 at 04:47 PM
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