Wordpress plan for editing theme pages - HTML, CSS, PHP source codeWhich wordpress plan allow to customize theme pages ? I will need to edit theme's HTML, CSS and PHP source code to customize the website.
How to edit Post HTML source code in Wordpress ?I would like to edit HTML code of post in Wordpress, but I can't find where can I switch to HTML editor. What should I do to edit post HTML source code ?
How to change URL of post after update of title in Wordpress ?Can I change the URL address of post in wordpress, after I update the post title ? When I update the title I still have the URL created from previous title.
Appearance editor missing in Wordpress to edit theme codeWhere can I find the appearance editor in Wordpress to edit the code of theme ? It seems it is missing in my account.
Which wordpress plan to choose ? Best plan for company websiteWhich wordpress plan is the best for company website ? Which one should I choose and why ?
Personal, Premium, Business wordpress plans - differenceWhat are the key important differences between Personal, Premium, Business and eCommerce wordpress plans ?
Add HTML code or javascript to header and footer in WordpressHow can I insert a javascript code into header on Wordpress website ?
Add custom HTML to wordpress widget - Tag script is not allowedHow can I add a custom HTML code to wordpress widget ? When I try to add <script> or <iframe>, I get an error: Tag script is not allowed / Tag iframe is not...
Unable to install plugins - wordpress free plan accountHow can I install plugins on Wordpress free account ? It seems I am not able to it.