Reorder Jira subtasks. How to change order of stories in Jira epic ?

How to change the order of stories in Jira epic ?

I need to reorder Jira subtasks.
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02 Mar 2024 at 02:17 PM

You can't re-order tasks in Jira epic by dragging and dropping them from one position to another. Drag and drop feature is not available in epic direct view.

But there is a way how reprioritize your tasks in epic. What you can do, is change the order of tasks by clicking on Order by. You can re-order your tasks by Creation date, Key, Priority, Status or Assignee:

jira reorder tasks change order of subtasks in epic

Order your tasks by Priority. Then you have to change the priority of each task. There are 5 default priorities: Highest, High, Medium, Low, Lowest.

But you can also add new priorities or change existing priorities if needed.
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05 Mar 2024 at 03:57 PM
You can re-order Jira tickets using a drag and drop in Backlog view.
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27 Mar 2024 at 01:56 PM
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