How to add side by side rows in excel pivot table ?


I am trying to add another row into pivot table, to display them next to each other, but it doesn't work. Could you please give me advice how to do it ?
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26 May 2019 at 07:29 PM

To display more pivot table rows side by side, you need to turn on the Classic PivotTable layout and modify Field settings. For example will be used the following table:

excel table

First, you have to create a pivot table by choosing the rows, columns and values:

pivot table fields

Created pivot table should look like this:

pivot table

You have to right-click on pivot table and choose the PivotTable options. Then swich to Display tab and turn on Classic PivotTable layout:

pivot table options

Now the pivot table should look like this:

classic pivot table

As a next step, you have to modify the Field settings of the rows:

field settings

In subtotals section choose None:

field settings

The pivot table rows should be now placed next to each other:

pivot table rows next to each other

You can also turn off the Classic PivotTable layout and the table should look like this:

pivot table rows side by side

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29 May 2019 at 06:50 PM
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