Meaning of VS, VSOP, XO, XXO - Cognac and Brandy alcohol


What is the meaning of VS, VSOP, XO and XXO on the bottles of Cognac, Hennessy or other brandy ? What is the difference between bottles of alcohol with VS and VSOP ?
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VS, VSOP, XO and XXO are quality grades of alcohol, usually used in case of brandy. Each of them corresponds to how long the brandy has been aged in oak barrels:

  • VS - means "Very Special", the youngest alcohol has been aged for at least two years. It can be also marked with 3 stars.
  • VSOP - means "Very Superior Old Pale", it is also referred as Reserve or Old. The youngest alcohol has been aged for at least four years.
  • XO - means "Extra Old", the youngest alcohol has been aged for at least six years or ten years for bottles packed after 1st April 2018. It is also known as Old Reserve.
  • XXO - means "Extra Extra Old", the youngest alcohol has been aged for at least fourteen years

There are also other grades used to evaluate cognac quality like Napoléon or Hors d'âge. The Hors d'âge means beyond age.
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